Lingle Guide | Public Notice No. 8181

2022-05-20 23:19:18 By : Ms. Amanda Lee

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PUBLIC NOTICE STATE OF WYOMING    ) COUNTY OF GOSHEN    ) TOWN OF LINGLE         ) The Regular Meeting of the Lingle Town Council convened at 5:00 PM May 4, 2022 with Mayor Siglin leading the Pledge of Allegiance. Upon roll call, the following were present, constituting a quorum: Mayor: George Siglin Council Members: Steve Edwardson Joe Welte A.J. Lambert Brandie Cook There was also present: Police Chief: Endra Andrews Town Attorney: Anna Barnes Town Clerk: Richard Reyes Town Supervisor: Larry Haeffelin Absent: Fire Chief: Kasey Bangerter Pool Manager: Brandi Hill Mayor Siglin welcomed all to the meeting and thanked them for being present. Mayor Siglin advised the Council that an updated Agenda had been placed on their desk and called for approval of the updated Agenda. CM Cook moved to approve the updated Agenda as presented. CM Welte voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Siglin called for approval of the minutes of the April 20, 2022 regular council meeting.  CM Welte moved to approve the minutes as presented. CM Cook voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously. BILLS FOR APRIL 2022: Following discussion CM Edwardson moved to approve the Town bills in the amount of $ 118,677.25. CM Cook voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously. POLICE ITEMS: PC Andrews reported: That everything is business as usual in the Department; She and Sheriff Fleenor will be attending “Coffee with the cop” meeting Friday May 6, 2022 at the Lingle Senior Center at 9 AM She advised Council that there is no longer a D.A.R.E. program but she does assist the school with teaching students, Problem Solving and Healthy Relationships, on Friday mornings at the Lingle School. LEGAL ITEMS: TA Barnes reported: A criminal defendant has made a payment following issuance of an agreement; A contract payment with the company Visionary is being researched. LVFD: CM Lambert reported: The Lingle Ambulance service has been busy assisting with service to the Town of Ft. Laramie. ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS: C Reyes reported: The 2022 Census of Governments Municipality Employment and Payroll Report was submitted 4-26-2022; The Lingle Community Center Annual Report was submitted to the Wyoming Business Council 4-27-2022; The Health Insurance renewal for the Lingle Employees was submitted FY23. MAINTENANCE ITEMS: TS Haeffelin reported: Annual maintenance to the town vehicles has begun; The park has been mowed and fertilized; The Maintenance Dept. has taken possession of the new mower; Well #1 was pulled and the casing is possibly worn and may need replaced and a new submersible pump installed. TS Haeffelin is waiting for the results of the inspection.    ORDINANCES: Third reading of Ordinance #358 AN ORDINANCE RENEWING A NON EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE TO TDS COLLECTION SERVICE INC., A WYOMING CORPORATION, TO OPERATE A TRASH AND GARBAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM IN THE TOWN OF LINGLE, WYOMING: DEFINING TERMS: SETTING FORTH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE GRANT; PROVIDING FOR COMPANY RULES, RATES, FRANCHISE FEES; TERMINATION AND PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION. Following discussion of Ordinance #358 CM Edwardson moved to approve the third reading of Ordinance #358. CM Lambert voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously. Third reading of Ordinance #359 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE NINE, CHAPTER FIVE AND SECTION FOUR OF THE LINGLE TOWN CODE OF THE TOWN OF LINGLE, WYOMING SETTING RATES FOR GARBAGE SERVICE AND REPEALING CONFLICTING ORDINANCES. Following discussion CM Cook moved to approve the third reading of Ordinance #359. CM Welte voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously.   Second reading of Ordinance #360 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3., SECTION 5., AND SECTION 15. OF ORDINANCE NO. 245. Following discussion CM Cook moved to approve the second reading of Ordinance #360.  CM Welte voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously. First reading of Ordinance #361 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION FOR THE TOWN OF LINGLE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR JULY 1, 2022 TO JUNE 30, 2023. Following discussion CM Edwardson moved to approve the first reading of Ordinance #361. CM Welte voiced the second and the motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTIONS: Resolution #137 A RESOLUTION TO DISSOLVE WYOMING STATE STATUTES THAT REQUIRES PUBLICATION OF COUNCIL MINUTES IN LOCAL NEWSPAPERS Upon clarification that this Resolution will be presented to Wyoming Association of Municipalities for action at the State level CM Welte moved to approve the resolution. CM Edwardson voiced the second and the motion passed with 4 ayes and 1 nay. COUNCIL ITEMS: Mayor Siglin announced that a test of the town siren will take place May 9, 2022 at 10 AM; The Lingle Municipal election will take place May 10, 2022 from 9 AM to 7 PM at the Lingle Community Center and reminded everyone that a new Wyoming State Statute requires the presentation of a current identification to be able to vote. With no further business to conduct Mayor Siglin adjourned the meeting at 5:37 PM. Signed by Mayor George Siglin    Attested by Clerk Richard Reyes

Public Notice No. 8181 published in the Lingle Guide on May 13, 2022.

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